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TQCSI Mongolia delivers ISO training courses

We deliver ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 22000 & HACCP, ISO 37001, ESG Code:2024 and other training courses in collaboration with JLB Australia.

We deliver Exemplar Global accredited JLB Lead auditor courses as well as TQCSI’s customized Internal auditor, Implementation, and Introduction courses.

JLB Courses

JLB has been running Lead Auditor Training Courses for over 20 years making us industry experts in the field. Our courses have been carefully curated by our expert instructors who have a vast amount of experience in management systems, internal and external auditing and consultancy.

JLB is a certified training provider of Exemplar Global for the TPECS scheme which specifically focusses on the assessment outcomes of training courses, ensuring the level of knowledge competence required for Exemplar Global personnel certification. We are also an Exemplar Global Recognised Training Provider, an accolade awarded by Exemplar Global as a result of a demonstrated capability to design and deliver quality training.

We conduct Training Courses both publicly and in-house within Australia and worldwide via our International Training Partners. We have a training presence in Japan, Taiwan, Turkey, Malaysia, Vietnam, Kazakhstan and the Philippines.

All of JLB’s public Australian Courses are facilitated from our specialised training centre in Adelaide, with options to join remotely available.

From Lead Auditor Training to Internal Audit Training and even specialised courses, JLB can develop and deliver a training plan to meet your needs.

JLB is an Exemplar Global Certified TPECS Provider for the following Competency Units:

  • Exemplar Global – AU (Management Systems Auditing)
  • Exemplar Global – TL (Leading Management Systems Audit Teams)
  • Exemplar Global – QM (Quality Management Systems)
  • Exemplar Global – EM (Environmental Management Systems)
  • Exemplar Global – OH (OHS Management Systems)
  • Exemplar Global – FS (Food Safety Management Systems)
  • Exemplar Global – IS (Information Security Management Systems).

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The course is suitable for those:

  • Who are responsible for managing the internal quality audit function within their organisation.
  • Who require a detailed knowledge of management system auditing process.
  • Who are involved in developing and implementing various management systems.
  • Who wish to become registered as Auditor or Lead Auditor with Certification bodies or auditor registration board like NABET or RABQSA.
  • Whose jobs involve assessment of suppliers and potential suppliers.
  • Who are aspiring to improve their ability towards inspection ,verification and assessment services.


Prior to commencement of the course, all participants are expected to have an understanding of the content & implementation of ISO 9000/ISO 14001/ISO 45001 series of standards.


COURSE CONTENTS-QMS (As per9001:2015 Standard)


1.Introduction & Course Overview

  • Course Introduction & Terminology
  • Quality management principles
  • Process Management

2. An Overview of Quality Management

  • Interpretations on the requirement of the standard
  • Documentation

3. The Requirements of respective Standard (Exercise)


4. Auditing


5. The Assessment Process

  • Types of Audits/Assessments
  • Audit : The Preparation stage
  • Audit Plan
  • Audit : Performance stage
  • Audit evidence, Audit tools
  • Preparation of checklists
  • Non-conformance reports
  • Follow-up audits/surveillance
  • Continual Improvement Techniques & Methodology

6. Audit Tools & associated Techniques (Exercise )


7. Role of Auditor/Lead Auditor

  • Auditor & auditee conduct
  • Registration scheme for auditors
  • (Individual & group exercises)

8. Managing audit team etc.

  • Case study
  • Role plays
  • End of day tests
  • Written examination


Registered participants are sent pre-course material in advance for preparation. Course material comprising detailed course material and International Standards on QMS/EMS/FSMS is given to each participant.


Those participants who successfully complete the continuous assessment during the course and also the written Examination , which is conducted on 2nd ,4th and 5th day of the course, will be issued Successfully completion/Competent auditor certificate recognized from Exemplar Global (Formerly known as RAB QSA).
Such certificates of successful course completion are only valid for three years from the date of the course for the purpose of auditor certification/registration with RABQSA/NABET.
For participant does not qualify in the ongoing exercise or in the written examination will awarded only attendance certificate.


The course is of non-residential nature. The course is of 5 days duration from 9:00AM to 6:00 PM For five days. Tea/Coffee and working lunch is provided during the training.
The seats in the course are limited to maximum 20 and are registered on first-come-first served basis.
For registration , the particulars of the participants like name, designation, email, postal address, phone number, etc along with fee by cash or through DD/cheque payable in favour of MS Certification Services Pvt.Ltd. .