A client awarded a Certificate shall not to display or otherwise use the certificate and certification mark-logo as soon as practicable after certification is suspended,cancelled or withdrawn. The Client is responsible for taking prompt and adequate action to correct any contravention of the certification Criteria, and for formally notifying MS CERT of the corrective action proposed or taken.
Procedure For Suspension & Withdrawal
The key processes/activities related management system certification at MS Cert are outlined in the �Certification process flow� highlighted in its brochure and website www.mscertification.net.
These activities include :
1. Receiving of Enquiry / Application
2. Application review
3. Stage 1 audit for assessing the preparedness of the client
4. Stage 2 compliance audit to the assessment standard sought
5. Certification recommendations
6. Periodical Ongoing surveillance and rectification as per schedule defined in the client certification offer Further to the certification process referenced above, after review of the client�s application ,contract and conducting assessment of the management system or applicable certification procedures, if MS Cert is not satisfied with the client�s management system or the client failed to comply the procedures of MS Cert , then MS Cert retains the right to refuse , suspend or withdraw certification.
Sufficient explanation shall be provided to the client as to the decision which would be made by the management of MS Cert.
1. Granting certification:-
The certificate is granted against the compliance to the Certification requirements as per MS Cert�s Certification Procedures.
MS cert shall grant the certification to Client only when the client fulfils the Certification criteria .
Which include the followings:
Conducting audit at client site as per procedure Receiving of Audit Report submitted by the Audit team and Verification of Clearance of Non-Conformities (either minor or major) & its Objective evidences submitted by the Client technical review of the Audit Report & Auditor Has recommended for the certification Recommendation is accepted by the Technical reviewer.
2. Maintaining Certification:
It demonstrate that the client continues fulfilling the requirements of the management system standard based on the documentary evidence gathered by audit team.
3. Renewing Certification :
MS Cert shall renew the certification of client according to the three year certification cycle for verifying the performance of the Organization:
1st Surveillance Audit �After 11 months from the date of Issuance of Initial Certification
2nd Surveillance Audit �After 11 months from the date of Issuance of 1st Surveillance Certification
Re-Certification Audit -After 11 months from the date of issuance of 2 nd Surveillance Certification
4. Suspending Certification:
temporary suspension due to no n fulfillment of requirement /certification criteria of MS Cert ,which can be restored only successful implementation of corrective action.
5. Reducing The scope of certification:
When it is found that client management system do not have capability for the scope of certification.
6. Withdrawing certification:
When it is found that client is not fulfilling requirement of standard and failed to implement proposed corrective action in given time certificate may be withdrawn.
7. Refusal of certification:
MS Cert may refuse the application of Client in the following cases:
-When during application review it is found that client activity is not in consistent with the MS Cert procedures
– due to unavailability of scope/scheme under particular accreditation
– due to Unavailability of Competent Auditor
– Some ambiguity in legal requirement or clients not fulfilled the certification criteria during initial certification or maintained certification as per MS Cert criteria over the period of certification in case of recertification.
Restoring Certification:
MS Certification shall restore the certification as per the following -If the Client submits the Corrective action report within the 15 days of time period in case of major nonconformity and 45 Days of time period in case of Minor non-conformity after suspension and also in case of major Non conformity there should be a provision of re-visit of auditor at client�s location for the verification of effectiveness of Closure of Non-Conformity.
After Suspension there is 15 Days of time period for the renewing of certification after Verification of Effectiveness of System by the Auditor at the time of Re-Visit/follow up visit ,
Withdrawing Certification
MS Cert shall restore the suspended certification if the issue that has resulted in the suspension has been resolved. Failure to resolve the issues that have resulted in the suspension in a time established by the MS Cert shall result in withdrawal or reduction of the scope of certification.
In most cases, the suspension would not exceed six months. MS Cert�s decision on withdrawing certification shall be communicated to the client, in writing, through letters
MSCERT has enforceable arrangements with the certified client concerning conditions of withdrawal ensuring upon notice of withdrawal of certification that the client discontinues its use of all advertising matter that contains any reference to a certified status.
Certification may be suspended for a period at the MS CERT�s discretion, for example:
(a) if surveillance audit/ follow up audit plans if applicable have not been complied with as per certification continuation requirements
(b) if improper use of the certification, certification documentation, or certification mark-logo is not remedied to the MS CERT�s certification condition;
(c) if the certified client has made a change to the Management System that is not accepted by the MS CERT against the existing certification conditions and contract;
(d) if payment of invoiced fees is not made in time as per contract condition
(e) If the certification condition (F09) or the contract and acceptance criteria(F59) not met.
Prior to issuing a notice of suspension of certification MS CERT will:
(a) Advise the client of any perceived grounds for suspension,
to state when the relevant facts are to be presented to the Head of certification and invite comment (with in specified time ) from the client on the perceived grounds for suspension or any mitigating circumstances;
to Present all relevant information to support mitigating cause of suspension to the Head of certification ;
(b) Communicate to the Client the decision of Head of certification.
As a general condition, when a client is suspended, the client shall:
(a) not actively promote their certification for the period of the suspension;
(b) not use MS CERT mark-logo for the period of the suspension;
(c) maintain day to day activity as per its procedures
(d) cooperate fully with the MS CERT to enable the suspension to be lifted
Suspension shall be confirmed by MS CERT in a letter to the client and will indicate the conditions under which the suspension will be removed .
The Head of certification may publish notification of the suspension.
At completion of the specified period, the Head of certification may
(a) remove the suspension against accepting satisfactory compliance and notify the client accordingly; or
(b) cancel the certification and withdraw the certificate if the conditions are not fulfilled.
The Client is responsible for taking prompt and adequate action to correct any contravention of the certification Criteria, and for formally notifying MS CERT of the corrective action proposed or taken.
A client awarded a Certificate shall not to display or otherwise use the certificate and certification mark-logo as soon as practicable after certification is suspended , cancelled or withdrawn.
MS CERT shall cancel certification, withdraw the certificate and cancel any agreement for the use of MS CERT certification mark in the following cases:
(a) under the relevant provisions of Suspension
(b) at the formal request of a client;
(c) if the certification Criteria are changed and the MS CERT cannot ensure conformity with the new requirements;
(d) if the client ceases to operate their certified system;
(e) if the client fails to meet financial obligations to MS CERT; or
(f) on any other grounds specifically provided for under the certification criteria or formally agreed between the client and MS CERT.
If a certificate is withdrawn, the MS CERT Register shall also be amended accordingly and MS CERT may also publish notification on that ground including MSCERT�s website.
A client may appeal to the MS CERT against a decision to withdraw certification.
In the event of changes being required to the certification Criteria, MS CERT shall:
(a) afford opportunity for client affected by a proposed change to submit comments on the proposed change(s);
(b) specify an effective date for the change(s); the effective date shall allow sufficient time for clients to amend and implement changes to their Management System;
(c) formally notify all clients of the new requirements of the effective date of the change and the action required of the clients concerned; and
(d) verify that the changes have been effectively implemented.
Failure to take the required action by the effective date may lead to suspension under or withdrawal/cancellation
Reducing scope
Scope of the certification will be reduced to exclude the part scope in the event of not meeting the requirements. The auditor concerned should report to MS CERT after a thorough assessment. Based on the report submitted, MS CERT shall take decision to reduce the scope and accordingly re-issue the certificate.
Extending scope
Upon client�s request for extending scope MS CERT has to ensure the availability of scope and competence level and advise for Audit considering the Auditor time. The Audit time may be extended after seeing the actual process of the extended part of scope. The certificate will be re-issued incorporating the new scope. This type of scope extension may be clubbed with surveillance audit or it can be carried out separately through Special Audit .
Upon request by any client, MSCERT correctly update and state the status of certification of a client’s management system as being suspended, withdrawn , reduced or extended